recycled ideas cant take you very far
Sunday, November 30, 2008
recycled ideas cant take you very far
i've so much time i dont know what else i could do to revise anymore i played let's get cookin' online not because it's fun i finished the game because i'm so bored my lungs hurt from all the coughing it feels like there's lots of liquid stuck in them and dont know which idiot broke a glass right in front of my room's door and was NOT nice enough to make sure none of the broken pieces were left behind so i stepped on land mines when i came out of the room for dinner and got a very deep cut in my right sole that took me 5 minutes to stop the bleeding and it continued to bleed into my cute little round plaster later i dont like studying last minute because the feeling that you know you don't know a lot of things sucks so i made sure i was consistent but how come i dont like this feeling either the feeling of complacency i dont want to gag at my paper tomorrow and regret wasting my time tonight but i cant get going anymore i am going to bed now not because i am sleepy i am going to bed because i am so bored
18 more hours
Friday, November 28, 2008
silly me can't sit still at my table for longer than an hour so i try the kitchen (got biten by ants) and the toilet seat (read more magazines there) and yes, my bed where i end up taking plenty of naps. to keep myself through the day, i watch tee-vee and old movies. mostly - actually all adam sandler's, from the silliest little nicky to pretty good ones like reign over me.
and if you're wondering why i'm back to my old self ranting so often.. it's because of all the math, maTH, MATH(Manifestation of Abominable Tortured Head - i'm going to copyright this). it's not too bad actually but i enjoy keeping life balanced. thank you very much.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
i follow a particular stranger's LJ rather diligently. more diligently than i follow a tv serial. anyway, this stranger has been rather down of late. it affects me because i've less pretty photos to see. so sad!
being a stalker, i naturally stalked the comments the other little stalkers left her. big mistake. my eyes rolled until they got so tired doing such high-level gymnastic moves. no prizes for guessing the most common phrase - I totally understand how you feel
NO! that's the wrongest wrongest thing to say if you want to console somebody. it forces me to snap back, "no, you don't." (how can you possibly understand. i'm feeling so so terrible. it's impossible that you have felt this terrible before. my experience must have had been much worse than yours.)
because the fact is, people overestimate their own pain and underestimate others'.
yet, some people speak the same phrase with a surprisingly consoling effect.
maybe it's the tone.
tricky issue eh. but a hug never goes wrong.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
when you get your bill at the end of the day, don't you ever wonder who the heck decided that you've to pay 10% service charge for services that you did/did not receive. WHY 10%.
and besides, where did all the 10% go; how much of it actually went into the pockets of those who provided the service? if we can't account for the figure then there's deadweight loss. i goggled and nah, no answers to these questions.
i'm trying to come up with sound economic reasoning behind this figure, but my gut feeling tells me 10 is just a convenient number. it's easy for us because it's already in our bill; but imagine the other side of the world calculating 6.123% off their total bill. but somehow i don't wish to accept the fact that our government authorities, who are ever so reliant on the invisible hand, said 'hey you people pay 10% ok, because they're doing so and it's easy to calculate.'.
plus, i dont see why services charges have to be ad valorem. why does a person have to pay $10(out of $100 bill) for almost identical services received by someone paying $1 for a $10 bill. i fail to see how it is justifiable to pay $9 more just because you ordered more food. if i'm making sense, i believe LDMR can be well extended to diminishing marginal service (or equivalent). then why are we paying the same dollar for each additional unit of services. one possible explanation is that, probably, we are paying part of the employees' wage. but wait a minute, don't you think the higher costs of running a restaurant (wages for more employees) should be already reflected in the price? wage should have been part of MC. correct me if i'm wrong...well, ok shall not go into theory of it for the benefit of those without economic training. but basically economic reasoning is what is lacking and i attempt to seek.
back to my point again. effectively, what sets restaurant and hawker apart is that in a restaurant, waiters are present to send you your orders whereas now most hawker reads self service. they both incur costs preparing the food, taking orders, now now, $9 for the "extra" services of sending more food to your table? apparently, i still pay 10% when i'm at a buffet.
not that i'm against the policy or fighting for tipping, otherwise i would have avoided restaurants altogether. just unresolved questions, going beyond what's fair and unfair, that require further investigation.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
a wound is a wound regardless of how deep the cut is. it still inflicts pain. it still make you feel sorry for yourself. but it'll probably heal faster if you don't prick at it. and forgotten if you don't look at it. the reverse causation is also true. almost a month ago, i got a cut. this cut, regrettably, exposed the previous layer of scar, which opened and revealed yet many deeper layers of badly stitched up wounds. and the root of it glaringly faults me for my very existence. it sums up a story of half truths which i don't wish to narrate to anyone. but it's not about me anymore. the fact is that i feel terribly terribly sorry for him and i will make sure i do for him all those that he had failed to do.
on a positive note, be patient, be understanding, be accepting, be loving.
this song brings people back up i guess.
darling im dealing with this conflict of interest by keeping you out of my mind. gogo, fighting!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

i painted those orangey ones first, and played around with photoshop and realised that they are pretty in other colors as well. i've seen those orange and blue ones, but not yet the pink and purple ones. do we even have them?
i wish i can grumble about how i've lesser entries to read, but nah, i've no rights. by the way, it's accidental that the tag's gone. but you still have an outlet there at the end of every post.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008

everyone's talking about obama today!
and yea, MPE of course. i kind of found someone i could do my researches with in the future. just random chitchat on MPE could lead us to a very interesting (subjective) research topic on a real life application of (failed or not) game theory. nice. academic partners are just academic partners.