Wednesday, January 31, 2007

hon sui sen is becoming my second home i'm not kidding.

think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive think positive

;he talks about getting me a cello

yes. priorities and attitudes. thats about it.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"our army has a problem now. when we make a call, the line goes to singapore. when we talk secrets, they go straight to singapore." general sonthi boonyaratglin, leader of thailand's coup, ordering top government officials to stop using cell phones over fears that a telecom company sold by ousted prime minister tahksin shinawatra to singapore's government-owned investment firm last year could be eavesdropping on conversations. quoting from time's verbatim

maybe it's an issue that i should not have laughed it out like that. his concerns are genuine.
but please, it's the way he said it that makes it HA-HA!

it has been brr-cold. but it puts me back on track, back to where i'm supposed to be. in other words, i'm thankful, extremely thankful. please bless those who are losing grip.

Monday, January 29, 2007

hm. maybe this is too much photos at one go. but since they should be up so just let them be!

drunkard chicken.

left over fried rice

and pretty florence! lol. she's jealous about dawn's pretty looking photos so ya, i'm doing such a big favor posting up hers.

hahaha. she looks so irritated with me lar. my my. no pork for you!

i ate so much today! pizza hut, taco bells, ding tai fung. even a little shopping didnt help digest that elephant portion. sigh. i feel so fat now.

i'm already lagging behind in school. it's stressing me out. so i go shopping and burn holes in my pocket. i'm $100+ poorer, and work's still undone. and you know what, tv programmes are getting better. where's my 5.0 this sem? lol.

work hard everybody!
especially to dawn: i know the project's getting boring. but what a waste to give up at this point right? only 16 more days to go! so keep going! i'm still waiting to buy your book!
i've been receiving lots of mails lately.
school fees payment notice, The Economist subscription offer, DBS iB secure device. those are okay because i know what exactly they are visiting my mail box for. but british lottery funds from the European Lottery Guild? and it's already my second time receiving it.

it must be a fraud i tell you. i wonder how they got my infomation. those pea brains want to cheat me of my pathetic 3-digit savings. -shake head-

Saturday, January 27, 2007


我就这样傻傻的等着。 桌上原本还冒着烟的巧克力也毫无生气,凉了。


书上的字像蚂蚁乱爬, 身旁的安静好吵。我看着窗外下的绵绵细雨,随着风任意的摇摆着, 仿佛就在向我招手。我抛弃了桌上曾让我快乐过的冰冷巧克力,丢下了安静,带着赤裸裸的心情去和小雨相会。


我讨厌那把声音, 我讨厌那个身影。



Thursday, January 25, 2007

this 9-5 thing is so not my kind of thing. i'm totally poo-ed out, poo not in the defecate sense lar; others had worse.

4 more hours it shall be and i can declare battle over for this week. the real thing's yet to come seriously and i'm already in low morale. this is not the way to go~!

i'm looking forward to another photoshoot. this time preferably with kids as my subject. um, but where can i find big babies on a weekend?

seems like thoughts aint flowing in logical sense. whatever lar. i'm sitting on a tutorial and i'd better get my fingers moving.

shit, it's excel.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

applying lotion all over yourself before bed is a pleasure. it just calms my nerves.

i've a million and one undone things and procrastination doesnt seem to be working. that's the problem when you cant set your piorities right. yes yes, whats important, what needs to be done get done first. i'm already all too familiar with the "magic tools" to being effective! but, i'm always caught up with the most unnecessary and unimportant pile first, and get myself too tired after to start on the stuffs that are due.

thats enough ranting about time-management, i should start looking into weight management already.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

as you can see, i love mushrooms. so much that i sprained (not too sure about what word to use there though) my left arm while chopping them up. the pain came from my left shoulder blade and all the way down to my fingers. it's strange isnt it? i'm not even a left-y to begin with. got this feeling that it has something got to do with the violin again. but i'm fine now! so let's just forget about that misery.

i skipped school.

everyone's interrogating me now. they dont realise i'm the poor soul pinned to losing end.

Monday, January 22, 2007

the to-do just got longer. take charge, yuan.

i'm wishing for a DSLR for my coming birthday but i know i won't get it. i just know. not even a lc-a.
photography has taught me how to appreciate details i dont usually look at. in other words, it has taught me how to appreciate life.

i want a bit of redness in here.

gridiron, pronounced grid-eye-yon, is quite good actually.

thank God i have a monday to rest.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

yuan had darkroom today, sat through talks and elections. she slept at 2, woke up at 530 and is still burning her last bit of energy away.

i've had my fun. but i'm a wee bit upset.

maybe this is totally irrelevant, but even hmv doesnt hold the cd that i want.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

'Cracking the Stock Market Code', the title itself grabbed me. I'm going to sacrifice, let's see, 7 and a half hours of my time two days before i turn the BIG 2 to sit in that technical analysis course. Ha. So the tutorials, 小提琴and the 二胡 (haiyo, taking both tests this year) and the whatever things i'm going to get myself busy with, are finally settling in. Eee-ow. Isnt this exciting!

I cant get anyone to catch the Queen with me.
yoo-hoo. the Queen, anyone?
If you aint interested in Princess Diana, then how about watching it for Tony Blair?
Please please please. i dont want to miss it.

before i forget, i saw this car decal today which reads, 'if you dont like my driving, email me at www.shit(i think)you@gof*'. i shall buy that for ah paul if she gets a new car! HAHA. hm, maybe fur would want to have one too on her future mini. =D

i really like this song, for a lot of reasons. and i had been wanting to get her album but i keep forgetting her name. so if i do walk into a cd shop with any of you next time and i start tattling, please just scream 张悬 into my ears, and i promise i will love you to bits.

gee. i'm excited about saturday. the dark room and the black and white flims. lets just wait and see if i can get some nice photos developed okays?


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

currently, there are only 79 offline contacts.
you know what that means?

there're so many of them online, but how many do you actually talk to?

which leads to another question,

if you don't chat, why the hell do you still stay online for?

the strange thing is, despite having 'none' and 'not sure' to the above questions, i still park myself there. A LOT other people do that too. whatever the reason is.

okay, shant speak the lecturer standards. you noticed they like to punctuate their speeches with directional words? blah. getting all brain washed.

i just back from the meet-up with mr paul tham. the picture there's just to remind ourselves about sakae. haha, old stuff. left my my camera out in the midst of the morning mad rush. the meet up was good. 60% of me is signing up for aikido at nearby cc instead of doing it in school because i can do it together with him. so why not.

oh yes, i owe myself a treat for being good today. i cleared my to-do list, i faced everything i had to and had a bunch of friends. i couldnt be more content. and i kinda like gab and his airs.

Monday, January 15, 2007

i want a way out.

no school tomorrow so i'll go get myself running. shopping exercise exercise shopping shopping what is it. i dont shop. i search my list and grab my stuffs.

the stocked up groceries in my fridge kind of put me at ease. i know i would be able to whip up something and not go hungry. oh yes, you should know an hungry man is an angry man. that applies to me equally.

thats it? i punctuated. i wonder if he did too.

i kinda like things this way. the weather, the staying in, the growing up, the change, and having a little bit more time for family.

promised caiwen to leave at 3. it's 55 now! whee.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

i just got back from fur's place. well, specifically, driven back home two nights consecutive.
we had kfc. we had arnold's chicken. hey, looks like i'm starting to binge again.
can someone just remind me that it IS bad?

i wonder why i eat so much for.

okays. it's advertisement time!
my friends are working on this chinese new year goodies sale thing so if you're thinking of getting homemade cookies and bak kwa, listen up!
if you want to save some trouble buying them and lugging them home all by yourself, order through them at 91918526/92394880. free delivery and a grand lucky draw (24" full suspension mountain bike-18 speed worth $140) if that attracts you. and i'm very sure the goodies aint made by them. so that makes the goodies very safe to eat indeed!

hm. i cant believe i'm such a good friend. lmao.

out of the bag of 10 sugar-coated nuts, you took 8 and i took none. you'd kill me anyway so why bother leaving the 2 behind for me.

but thanks,

Thursday, January 11, 2007

"Trainings are held on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1900hrs to 2100hrs.
Undergraduates who join us enjoy special training rates (~$15/month for 2 sessions a week with a 6th Dan instructor, $25/month for non-undergrads) which will not be found in other dojos in Singapore, the fees are usually 50% or less than those in Community and Country Clubs. Other fees include a token club fund of $1/month for the upkeep of the Dojo.
All aikidokas (aikido practitioners) are required to train in their gi (traditional martial arts uniform), a set of which costs $40 from NUS Aikido (the gi comes with Aikikai badge sewed on). Aikidokas with their personal gis are required to purchase an Aikikai badge."

i think i want to do a sport but i dont want to be out there running under the sun. so i thought through all that's possible and i came to this conclusion that aikido might just be the perfect sport for me.

cedarians all have this i think. not so sure if they're still offering the course to the new batches. but anyway, we have orange belt leh, dont play play, it's better off than no color lor.

maybe i should just sign up. anyone else interested?
i have this sinking feeling, which is not necessarily a bad thing, and it makes me think all over again of the things that mattered and things that still matters to me. i'm not talking about big houses, fanciful cars, i'm not talking about careers, we've all already talked too much about them. history, goals and ambitions.
those are enough.

the boo boo is, i'd never been quite satisfied with the moment.

we had talks that were intriguing, largely engaging. i mean, right, i'm surprised! but now, i dont know what it is. i get emotionally entangled. i get withdrawal symptoms. i want to get involved with that person but i think i cant do just that.

*right, dont wander off too far. it's good that school is one thing that keeps me going.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

男孩和女孩, 真的能单纯的当一辈子的好朋友吗?

no escape from getting myself immersed in my subjects, or subject. but, i have got better things to do.

today at coffee bean we saw a couple who just sat there with 2 drink in front of them, and just sat there like we did. they smiled and talked to each other, only occasionally, with hands locked always. they were still there when we got up to leave. little things like that can be sweet.

i'm very afraid.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

i think hdb blocks look like flim strips at night.

here we are, travelling our average 4 hours again. this time, alone.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

connection's up and running just in time for school, so should i be, perhaps. i'd been busy having fun. lots and lots of non stop fun. i'd been out everyday, getting tired everyday until i couldnt really recall what i did.

maybe one day we would forget about each other.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

i do keep a sketch book but you may not want to look into it because i draw really scary stuff, and i smear crayons all over.

today was spent very much on steaming eggs and putting all my songs on repeat. so it seems that less than 7 more days to go i will be thrown back to the whirl. christopher and yan yan will also flash me their disappointed faces. maybe i'll do something about those strings tomorrow so i wont get into such big troubles.

towards 4.2.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


a ninja boy character i created a year back. inspired by a real boy. time for a collection?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

it's 2007, how 'bout that! we are all going to turn 20 but for some luckier ones it wont be so soon 'cos they just turned 19.

sorry i made a fuss out of the phone, causing some anxiety and inconvience unnecessarily. i've already got my line and a new phone. changed my modem too but there's some problems with it. i made a complaint and the customer service still aint getting back to me with a satisfactory explanation.

so a little update.

i caught charlotte's web and roamed around clark quay on friday with my guys. charlotte's web isnt too fantastic maybe 'cos we had the first row seats that was a torture but well it did make me cry a bit when the spider died.

the next day we went night cycling. started out at 10pm and we cycled all the way till 6 plus in the morning. i got my palms swollen since they had the responsibility of holding my weight and got some scratches here and there. but it was an experience really.

i took a little nap that morning and headed off for fireworks at cityhall. caught blood diamond after that and again got home at 8 in the morning. and i want to thank that someone who was out with me and made my new year not so bad afterall.

left my place after a quick nap and went to meet dawn for photo shoot at lorong buangkok, the last kampung in singapore i heard. the mosquitoes were swarming around us like bees. i enjoyed myself and like how dawn put it, there's so much treasures in the rubble for digs.

i know they are a bit too small to see but i might randomly blog about them as time goes.
enough said. i'm done with words.