Wednesday, October 22, 2008

while staring at my new fan on the wall, 

here's the energy conversion of an electric fan:
electrical -> kinetic

and a wind turbine functions exactly the opposite
kinetic -> electrical

i'm sure it's mechanically possible to attach a simple turbine to the cover of the fan, which combines the two "equations" into something as simple as dah: electrical -> kinetic -> electrical 

why isnt there such an electricity saving fan. 

Saturday, October 18, 2008


should have saved the originals as well


seriously the prettiest thing ever!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


i would be out of the country one of these coming weekends, probably to see someone for the last time. and that (pointing to the girl) is my ideal state. life is drama.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


halloween at night safari's pretty cool. and since my scanner still isnt running, i've got to skip posting the $20 photo which my stepdad willingly paid for. 
which means, i can't show off my Gandalf-look-alike grandma. 
but in exchange, i've painted my favorite animal! TADAH! GIRAFFE! i like slow loris too.

Friday, October 10, 2008


sooner or later i've got to stop posting the final versions up. guess there's a need to preserve that element of surprise. i see my stuffs so often that they aint funny anymore. sometimes i wonder if it's one of my design myopia or just the loss of novelty.  

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


i've just started working on this. there're lots of details to add in. i promise it'll be exciting, so do look out for updates!