Thursday, April 27, 2006

Biz-ad freshie going to be, here. forget about the excitement and a whole list of things we have to follow up with, i just hope that choosing business administration over economics' a wise thing. but i dont usually regret my own decisions. so. i'll make do with it.

i've lost count of how much i've taken in. yesterday's fish and co. was ultimately cholesterol-ised. with the cakes, pastas, chinese lunch, last week's efforts were probably cancelled out.
so i worked MUCH harder tonight on the cross-trainer.

now my fingers are itching to fiddle. maybe i'll chop them off, so i wont move on to my third instrument. oh fickle mind!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

an used handy-plast wont stick as well as it was new
but now things can be 'new' more than just once
hooked and choked in throat. the taste of phlegm mingles with the hardness of the texture of blood. ask a mutt man if he sings.

it'll come to a point, when you cant exactly talk off your mind. there's a whole list of things to do, and if i can't ask God for a little bit more time, i better get some self evaluation done.

anyway, good day ahead.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

bullets loaded. emptied. fired. weekends went similarly. while i was knocked off from kickboxing friday evening, i was aching my way through a 3-hour blading torture in blades not exactly the RIGHT size after already a chilled carnival in my old school on saturday.

then i was already REALLY KNOCKED OFF.
but good company always makes things damn worthwhile.

i'm still not rested. shopping with him's like nooo-you-cant-stop-walking-walking-walking-walking. for 8 straight hours i was walking. walking. WALKING. WALKING!! then i was there feeling SOOO guilty because i havent done what i'm supposed to do but he wont let me stop walking, walking walking and go home! now i feel so DAMN MUSCULAR. my butt, my tighs, my where-ever. lol. i'm not awarding you any points for identifying my emphasis.

there's still 2 more posters to design tomorrow. half done, but i hoping the approval comes.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

amex card is all you need, to dine at raffles, enjoy free wine and enjoy further discounts. jerry spent like $240++ on our lunch at prego, and then another $60++ on a 1kg cake, and he said that it was damn worth it.


adults, you know, treat people on their birthdays, and then we kiddos just go and smile for a free lunch. wheehee.

squid ink sauce is black, black and it makes your teeth and your lips black. and i wasnt drunk from red wine.

the night before i was burning my eyes out, going on a self challenge to make a pop-up and 6 sided card. very experimental. i'm not exactly proud of the end result but i guess it's pretty good for a first try. and of course everyone had a good laugh at this pop-up picture.



Tuesday, April 18, 2006

sorry kids. i was buried under notes and books rubbish, junk, filth, crud, skunk. room's under major revamp, and being the contractor cum designer myself, i tried to speed up my job i thought i was being damn brilliant. but i obviously started on too many things at one go, so the terrible terrible things happened. like not being able to find room to plant my butt front laptop, the worst of all, i nearly didnt have a bed to sleep on last night. you know, miscalculations happen all the time. so if i go missing in action again, you'd have guessed. i probably cannot locate my laptop.

so i have been sick, still sick, but it's moving away from running nose to cough - like the MOST HORRIBLE stage when your body falls apart. mentally i'm fighting. physically also. i know this is starting to sound way too nonsensical.

this entire month i would be busy with birthday presents. hell lot of april babies. grr. and they ALL must be my better halves. and, amore. YAY. i'm exercising. and strings that cut my finger. not forgetting throwing ALL the things out of my room.

bye kids. TA TA!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

running nose and tousled hair.rain and loose taps.strings on tension snapped.done-d.
roar! i'm 100%. genuinely sick.

i'm clinging on to the slightest hope that my body is defying because it's only drained out.
i WILL wake up tomorrow feeling all fresh again. i WANT to go amore with fur.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

take the lead is nice, but not that nice for me to yak yak yak about it. ballroom dancing is damn sexy lar. i still remember how my mom used to prey down on men on the dance floor when i was younger. and then now when she doesnt do it anymore, i see her going more and more out of shape.

talking about keeping in shape, hm, i can feel my fats wobbling inside my jacket when i walk. well, it's actually a good sign i must say that my muscles are finally out of the way. so now i can lose weight. MUAHAH

i probably took 20,000 steps today. if that's too little, make it 100,000.
i got VERY SICK of pink.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

have i ever mentioned that toilet's my favourite hang-out? probably not, but okay, i was flipping through some really OLD magazines when no one's meddling with my business i came across this article i cant agree more with.

parts of it went
'if you were to say "have a nice day", she'll snap back: "Yeah, right."
well, doesnt this happen most of the time?

and another chunk went like this
'pity she has to spoil it all when she unleashes her stream of negativity. she thinks the cynical, lifes-a-bitch act is a sign of maturity but instead, she comes off looking like a pouty, angst-ridden teenager - everything is "no", "shant" and "you dont understand". your hand just itches to smach her out of her smug world-weariness.'
YES YES ABSOLUTELY! i had SUCH a good laugh reading this.

at the end of it, i walked away feeling extremely consoled. i had once so much inner struggle comes the battle of the issue of being who is more cool.
only to find out that only age provides the answer. all in all, i cant possibly agree more that optimism is a telling sign of maturity. the more mature you are, the more cheerful you get.

anyway, earth to me.
haha, i managed to pull myself out from bed eventually after some 20 mins struggle with the devil saying stay in stay in this morning. nothing new. just some REALLY bad throat. in the end i still gobbled down very sinful mudpies because apparently SOMEONE wasn't for sugary stuff today. tee-hee.

i always run into fantastic people. thanks for watching over me.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

the aunties and the uncles are probably still hanging around in the pub, tying jerry up with thick steel chains and whipping him with belts. adults adults, they say we kids wont get them. well, i probably wont at this age. sm is just digusting. but i guess they ALL do enjoy fantasing, and surely, sharing ideas and clips with one another. when they talk about sex, they go a bit out of hand.

i would have joined them, at the pub that is, not in their sex-y conversations. because apparently i lack in experience so...whats there to share? okay, i'm off my point.
right now i'm dry in throat, weak, and going to die. YA LAR, i'm going to be sick again. had half the mind to take a day off from work tomorrow, but i guess i cant possibly forgo that $40.

unless, my legs cant carry me.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

havent been my most expressive, not when women suffer from this women thing. it just brings your mood down. down, literally. hai who likes to leak like a tap?

this week is done with, mostly. when it comes to horrid moments, i'm certainly grateful that God gave 24 hours only to each day. sadly, i cant go on blabbering about this because i'm not in the right state of mind to preach. ratty brain here is wired to worry over whats to come tomorrow. clearly not too good an idea to stay.

i shall end my 24 hours.

Friday, April 07, 2006

came back just not too long ago, over from fur's where we ate farewell to our last batch of guys who's in to serve the country. we didnt finish truman, and i didnt eat much, not like i can. it's already pretty obvious that i cant recall much about tonight since i was there eating leaves throughout the whole thing, thinking only about how tired i was.
i'm seeing stars right now.

this job got too physical, and i had to choose such a WRONG week to go on the special diet. thanks goodness fur helped me out with the Philips job or i would have had dropped dead today.

here's something really random. but worth mentioning all the same.

there were two fetuses growing in this poor baby when she's still inside her mom's womb. she's only 2 months old and has had an operation to get both fetuses removed. picture from MSNBC.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

hilarious things yesterday aint anymore hilarious today. today's so horrible.
i worked from 9:15-6:15 NON STOP on the DAMN FIFA 2006 projects it's 15 because i was late. and 15 because i had too much to do. I didnt even have time for my lunch shake. =(
i'm SO tired.
so caii, if i have to call off friday also, you know why lar hor.

anyway, i realised that i dont have guy friends. here's such a feminine place if you get what i mean.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

bunch of hilarious things happened today. urgh, now i feel so drained out. so i shall leave them to tomorrow, if i still find them hilarious, that is. how unlikely.

but ah paul's father's story is like DAMN FUNNY LAR. go read hers.

Monday, April 03, 2006

pay cheque, checked. bank book, checked.
i cant hang around too long here. got to wake up early, like DAMN early. ok, maybe not THAT early. but it is still considerably early. i have to work 2 more hours each day this week, but i cant see why he needs 2 extra hours of me. hur. i slacked through the entire morning with only 3 jobs to follow up with. and in the evening, i was playing free cell at my desk from 6-7 while waiting for him to drive me down to the train station.

OH YAH! WE SAW ROBOTCOP AT THE CARPARK LOBBY. LOL. okay lar, just some guy, with HEAVILY padded leather jacket and helmet, who walks like robotcop.

mom saw how i was binging, so she forced me to go on a special diet plan for a week my goodness that allows me only the not-so-disgusting shakes, at least they come in 3 different flavors for me to choose from. like there's much choice but oh well , and fruits and vegetables at appropriate times to reset my body. just as simple as that.
and thursday, we are having hotplate? LMAO.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

damn. I HAD to place my cursor on the window's clock at 00:02am on 2 April 2006 to realise that oh holy cow, it was April fool's and not a single person bothered to fool me.
what a bother, i forgot about it myself totally.

Spaghetti trees: The BBC television programme Panorama ran a famous hoax in 1957, showing the Swiss harvesting spaghetti from trees. A large number of people contacted the BBC wanting to know how to cultivate their own spaghetti trees.

on friday,
ernest came over for the roadshow training, which was more like a packing up session. he actually talks quite a fair bit. to think that i was actually nervous over whether i can do better than just saying hi.
because some 4 years ago, we barely knew each other, only by name probably. and so we didnt talk then. or did we?

i was supposed to do my own pay cheque but I DIDNT. i was lazy.
now i'm regretting because i could have been able to walk into any camera shops in singapore this weekend, knowing that i actually have enough to own one of the D-SLRs myself.