Wednesday, November 19, 2008

a wound is a wound regardless of how deep the cut is. it still inflicts pain. it still make you feel sorry for yourself. but it'll probably heal faster if you don't prick at it. and forgotten if you don't look at it. the reverse causation is also true. almost a month ago, i got a cut. this cut, regrettably, exposed the previous layer of scar, which opened and revealed yet many deeper layers of badly stitched up wounds. and the root of it glaringly faults me for my very existence. it sums up a story of half truths which i don't wish to narrate to anyone. but it's not about me anymore. the fact is that i feel terribly terribly sorry for him and i will make sure i do for him all those that he had failed to do. 

on a positive note, be patient, be understanding, be accepting, be loving.


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