Tuesday, March 31, 2009
those guys "friends" of mine laughed at me for being locked in this afternoon. again. they said, 'that only happens to primary school kids'. yea sure. this time round, i really panicked and broke down not believing anyone could be this suay. i had a 20% test at 12 noon. well, luckily there was another class slot at 3pm and that really saved me from deep shit. while waiting for my mom to come home and free me, my shirts came which saved me a trip to the post office, made my lunch so i didnt have to sit through a paper on an empty stomach, checked my email and saw the biggest business offer (invitation to be a distributor). now we know why i got locked in.
Friday, March 27, 2009
well, this is the roughest of the roughest crap i've done, just to test out if the idea works. gosh i wouldnt have been bothered to do up a stuff like that if the presentation isn't 15% of the grades. but i guess it'd be fun.
and by the way, i'm into another mind game with one of my tutors. it really sucks. i definitely need to apply judo economics! just bless me.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
i think the happiest thing in life is to spend everyday with a smile in your heart, and finding humor in the little things that happen around you. you know how that feels? it feels like flowers growing on everything that passes you by.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
looking at awesome stuffs and thinking about the possibilities keep me really excited. even more so at night.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

1991, that makes me 4 years old.
after dawn's call last friday, my luck still didnt turn but it doesnt matter already 'cos i got used to it! it's been already very fortunate that i havent been sick at all ever since my dad's passing. and now i'm into the busiest 2 weeks of my semester and back into having 4 tutees type of routine, i thought i couldnt really handle that but right now i think it'll be quite a breeze through.
after next friday, 8pm, i want to be watching
1) tale of the despereaux, for my darling pudding
2) marley and me, for similar reasons
3) mall cop, for a spastic laugh
4) serbis, for nude scenes
5) detroit metal city, for Ken'ichi Matsuyama!
thats about everything the cinema offers. and yes, sing. so take me out!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009

yuan has a new watch, like finally! sad, those funny shapes dont fit my tiny wrist so i've to settle for the round one. i only had 10 minutes to make my decision. this is only 70% of what i have in mind (i prefer something really really plain. brown leather, white clock face), but since i didnt have to pay a single cent for it, i'm freaking happy that i've a new watch to wear. been a year!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Picture source: Digital Photography Review
look! camera pornography. i like that thing they say on tv mobile, that be glad you don't have everything, so you could have something to look forward to. first, i need to meet some personal targets...

threadless slashed its prices after i've made my orders! i could have gotten everything at half the price. you heartless threadless, my customers would never have to deal with 'i'm so cheated!' feeling, i'll make sure i do that and thats when your time's up!
i need to find time to send my macbook to the brains. it beeps and refuses to start up every time and i've to fight with it at least three times before it runs proper. i presume it's the RAM. my old turtle never gave me problems. thats why they said pretty things aint very trusty.
suay to the core~ LOLOLOL.
Monday, March 16, 2009

i'm missing the blues and the greens. despite being suay to the core, i'm actually doing more than alright in my career sense. seems like all the luck is there. hopefully the more As and the more excellents we are collecting now build up to something by the end of the term. i'm hoping to escape to the blues and the greens this weekend, anybody?
Sunday, March 15, 2009

a year and a half ago, i was a super bad kid who refused to take photos for my family when we go on "excursions". now i still don't like it, don't like the idea of photography as an obligation. i still don't like people asking me to take photos the way they want it. i am still a bad kid. but i will try to be bad in a nicer way.

and if i could travel back in time, i would have taken better shots instead of fussing over being told to do things.
just caught watchmen. i always laugh at "superhero" movies because they are so non existent and yet (and thus) we could make them as perennial as we would have ever imagined. it's never a superhero movie without politics and moral values and issues alike.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
- i've got locked-in today when i have to be school for a particular class. i got even luckier because the tutor is damn anal about attendance. i'm so dead. who the hell would believe my excuse. yea sure, you got locked-in. ha ha. and today just have to be a friday. why.
- i didnt know how to utilize the extra time i had so i watched kramer vs kramer, and terms of endearment. they made me cry so much. anything anything that centers around the idea of family, divorce, cancer, death affects me like crap.
- when you suddenly feel like things/people are just going against your will, what do you do? i eat chips, walnuts (yes, walnuts. which made me feel sick) and lots of sorbet. i only have to survive this month.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
here's something i've just conceptualized. for people who love mirrors/ people who are loud and believe they look good/ people who needs some form of assurance about their appearance. whats going to be printed is the one on your left. yup, the left one. in the mirror, you'd be seeing the one on the right. the kick is, you would look into the mirror, smile and say 'whhooa i look so fucking awesome!' and hopefully that gets your day started.
Sunday, March 08, 2009

today's really slow for me. the entire house went into a hault. naps, and too many naps. even my mouse took plenty.
what you're seeing might scare you. it's a considerably old piece done somewhere back in mid december. i decided to share it now not expecting many to appreciate this form of art. but if you do, great.

1) the shirts came and ive worn two of them. but i won't be taking photos till i've conceptualized what i want to do. i'm quite okay with how they turned out, but could be better. might be sending in a few more
2) school is really, sigh. spent a few nights on my micro assignment which turned out to be more of a challenge at math, but strange enough i thoroughly enjoyed the mind-boggling reasoning process than any other stupid things i'm doing in school. i'm having an over-dose of game theory right now though i've barely started revising for the first quiz on monday. have been on page 55 for a long long time.
3) in less than a week, i've turned down 2 design job offers.
4) can anyone please tell me why my scanner is turning so horrible?
5) i could stare at pudding for hours. sometimes i wished i was a mouse instead.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

i've three pieces of news today.
1) these three of my designs are being shipped to me. i'm really excited to seeing how they would turn out. they are single pieces which technically means i'm the only one in this world who owns them. these are not for sale as yet.
2) a flying cockroach flew (-.-) in through my windows just now and i've successfully flung it out through the exactly same window with a
3) by luck, i did well for my midterms. i kind of aced at guessing. i hope this continues.
Monday, March 02, 2009
i've got to announce this or i will get internal bleeding.
i just saw pudding's erected penis. twice. omg. i'm going to die. he was grooming himself a little too much tonight. so i stared at him thinking it was just something he does all the time. and then suddenly a swollen 1cm thing popped up. and he got into a weird position and started licking himself there. MAN!! twice. i feel his discomfort. he is still scratching his lower abdomen with his hind legs/licking and soothing out the fur there as i type this. okay, i foresee another erection soon so i shall NOT look at him anymore. now i feel freaking traumatized. aRGH. i really didnt want to see my hamster's erected penis. so scary.
right now he's sleeping with his abdomen up, toes curled. well, thats very abnormal of him.
i just saw pudding's erected penis. twice. omg. i'm going to die. he was grooming himself a little too much tonight. so i stared at him thinking it was just something he does all the time. and then suddenly a swollen 1cm thing popped up. and he got into a weird position and started licking himself there. MAN!! twice. i feel his discomfort. he is still scratching his lower abdomen with his hind legs/licking and soothing out the fur there as i type this. okay, i foresee another erection soon so i shall NOT look at him anymore. now i feel freaking traumatized. aRGH. i really didnt want to see my hamster's erected penis. so scary.
right now he's sleeping with his abdomen up, toes curled. well, thats very abnormal of him.