have i ever mentioned that toilet's my favourite hang-out? probably not, but okay, i was flipping through some really OLD magazines
when no one's meddling with my business i came across this article i cant agree more with.
parts of it went
'if you were to say "have a nice day", she'll snap back: "Yeah, right."
well, doesnt this happen most of the time?
and another chunk went like this
'pity she has to spoil it all when she unleashes her stream of negativity. she thinks the cynical, lifes-a-bitch act is a sign of maturity but instead, she comes off looking like a pouty, angst-ridden teenager - everything is "no", "shant" and "you dont understand". your hand just itches to smach her out of her smug world-weariness.'
YES YES ABSOLUTELY! i had SUCH a good laugh reading this.
at the end of it, i walked away feeling extremely consoled. i had once so much inner struggle comes the battle of the issue of being who is more cool.
only to find out that only age provides the answer. all in all, i cant possibly agree more that optimism is a telling sign of maturity. the more mature you are, the more cheerful you get.
anyway, earth to me.
haha, i managed to pull myself out from bed eventually after some 20 mins struggle with the devil saying
stay in stay in this morning. nothing new. just some REALLY bad throat. in the end i still gobbled down very sinful mudpies because apparently
SOMEONE wasn't for sugary stuff today.
tee-hee.i always run into fantastic people. thanks for watching over me.