These can include:
Mood swings Irritability Anxiety and tension Bloating Breast tenderness and swelling Water retention Acne Tiredness Weight gain Headaches/migraines Crying Spells Depression Sugar and food cravings Constipation DizzinessTypes of PMS
In order to make classification of PMS easier, Dr Guy Abraham in America, devised a system of categories for the different types of PMS symptoms. These fall into four categories
Type A - Anxiety
This category which is very common in up to 80% of women each cycle, includes those symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, anxiety and tension.
Type C - Cravings
This group includes cravings for sweets or chocolates, increased appetite, fatigue and headaches. Up to 60% of women can experience these kinds of symptoms leading up to the period.
Type H - Hyperhydration
Type H includes symptoms such as water retention, breast tenderness and enlargement, abdominal bloating and weight gain. Up to 40% of women can experience these changes.
Type D - Depression
Depression is the largest symptom in this group but it can also include confusion, forgetfulness, clumsiness, withdrawal, lack of co-ordination, crying spells, confusion. Only 5% of women experience these symptoms but these can be the most serious if the woman is verging on the point of being suicidal.
Many women will get symptoms from each Type during any one cycle. And for some women these symptoms can change from month to month, so they are not always experiencing exactly the same symptoms before each period.
that really explains why i cry over the littlest thing and feel so needy periodically. sigh. hormones. but at least we could see what we can do about it.
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