Wednesday, September 23, 2009

there's more to the birth chart. it explains a lot more things, and at the same time, it opens to a lot more room for not explaining anything precisely.

i'm becoming more mischievous day by day, but most of the time it's a mental state of being if i'm not brave enough to fully engage in the acts. it came late, but it teases me brains and excites me. i told mom of my several game plans and she laughed them off saying that i would end up detained, or worse, jailed. hahahah, but i think i would give some of the more harmless ones a go. you know, to answer to the bit of naughtiness that was strangely missing in me during the time it belonged. 

time and distance are precisely the same thing. same strange concept bearing a different name. i was trying to garner more respect for time traveler's wife by throwing out the littlest bit of logic left in me. let's forget that the logic in it is weak (should we pardon it just because it's meant to fantasy? well, i've seen and read many more fantasies which actually made tremendous sense.), hm, but did it touch you? i don't know whether it's the directing or what, it made living-a-life-knowing what-life-has-for-you really bland, just like how knowing-what-is-coming made watching the movie a bit boring. 

thirst was sex, a lot of sex, to the extent that i got a bit uncomfortable. very wicked. dark humor. quite intriguing. and yes, sex and a lot of it. i mentioned it, sex. why are korean actresses all so perfect.

why do i keep missing out on you.


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