maybe i've rambled on a little too excessively, and i almost totally made it sound as if my days were going on really really bad. no, not at all. even having shaun pulling up my hood and ruffling my hair several times each hour makes me feel that things are going on right.
dirty minds isnt exactly fun. there were better games we played; this was just a filler. the part thats good is the fact that Mind Cafe on weekdays, 2-6pm, is an awesome deal. $5 only and free flow of drinks. and you get to laugh at the stupid things your friends do or at those who can't coordinate very well.
i like doing many things in one day and exhausting myself out. (i always find that more fun than seeing each other several times a week and doing one thing a time.) which we did. we sang and lunched, gamed, dinnered, movied and laughed our way home. monsters vs. aliens is DAMN FREAKING funny i tell you. it's totally my kind of humor and i'm tickled throughout. people in the threatre were roaring at parts where you least expect them to laugh, and that made me laugh even harder. if whoever reading this hasnt watch it-but what to watch it-yet cant find anyone to watch it with- get me get me! i love the green jelly. i really dont mind.
and since i'm thoroughly satisfied, i'm more than happy to camp in my own room and catch up with the stuffs that i need to do, without outside interference. you know, just a bit of alone time. yucks, but i still have a few appointments. and stats.
ok dude, i'm looking forward to many many things. and yuk, if you're seeing this, welcome back to singapore! buzz me. it's yoga mat time.
how would you draw out the expression 'suspicious'? surely not a stick man pointing a huge sword at another stick man with question marks on his head.
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