Wednesday, December 26, 2007

practising hard at occlumency

everyword wrongly said

people need to know how much i enjoy my solitude and hiding in, doing my own readings and speaking hardly 10 sentences each day. these days come rare after quite a high-profile year to speak; i'd sum that up on 31st. if not for much-forced meetups with two santas tomorrow, and for someone fairly important at week's tail, i would be glad to stay in my, comparatively, neatly packed room, finishing up my books and fussing over how to live on only 24 hours each day in 2008. not like the number of hours has been suddenly halved per se; the first few months is quite a turning point i must say, with me turning 21 means i need to keep myself out of trouble so i wont land myself in jail. bidding hasnt even started but half my time table's out. great, i have no finals for most of them. only that the percentages speak for themselves the amount of effort and the level of consistency i need just to come off as average. you should see for yourself how many hermione grangers there are in our school. haha, and i secretly want to be one. with everyone else trying to pull their pathetic cap, but pretty average for a biz student, to a 3.5, the bell curve's looking less and less like one. these few months have set me thinking whether an honors is really such a big deal for a bba: i'm starting to have plans of finishing off my degree in business in another 3 sems and move on to something i've always had more interest in. afterall the theory in finance has been proven not to be exactly useful since i couldnt utter as much as my mom could about stock markets. nor has it made me a few thousands richer over night. coincidentally i'm taking a module on financial markets and another on portfolios and investments soon, we shall see if they make me any smarter. financially. at the mention of it, this year has magically turned this prodigal to a thrift. it's part of the reason why i rather stay-in, cant deny that.
i will get out of my hole to welcome the new year for sure. God, be kind and give everyone the strength to stand for the countdown (you know what i'm trying to get at).


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