Friday, November 02, 2007

what are the chances that you'll get to see a squirrel crossing the road in school. pretty low i guess?
but maria and i witnessed one.

if you'd think that's interesting, i've even more to share.

1) bingquan and i totally overlooked the need to remember the parking lot in a shopping centre, where there're sooooo many different parking areas.

2) and of all places of all people, we bummed into alex and *ahem at giant.

3) we scissors-paper-stone-ed and there's still no winner after 6 consecutive rounds.
okay, we might need a little math here to establish extraordinariness: with simple probability, the chances of that happening is 1/3^x (whereby x=6 and probability=0.001371); x could have been 7, 8 or 9 and so on if we hadnt decide to use a coin instead. isnt that amazing?

i've been brain-washed so thoroughly by my major and economics that i'm starting to play my role strategically. it's a whole lifestyle thing, somewhat similiar to yoga-is-an-attitude-idea. you can play a role best with perfect information, but we can forget about attaining it. so we bet on chances? not exactly. it's not about luck all the time though i dont deny the nuances of it. it's about maximising information and downplaying luck. take the monty hall game for example, you wouldnt know that changing your initial option actually gives you a better chance of winning if you hadnt analyze it strategically. in other words, more things in life are within our control than you'd think.

stardust is an awesome movie full of surprises. and, if you guys are looking for christmas cards, you wont want to miss handmadelove shoppe is open! only 14 sets left!


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