the week was such a whirlpool. please just pardon me for not acting to the complaints. give me a sunday and i'll cough up bigger photos.
if i ever have to step into a restaurant for westerns this weekend, please just strike pasta mania and swensens off the list. i'm very much sick of pastas and burgers, regardless of the way they're prepared. serving me chinese food is perhaps the easier way out if you could just cancel crystal jade and ding tai fung from the list as well.
"aiya, so ma fan, dont eat la."
someone just help me kick whoever that have had this thought after reading my para.
whirlpool spiralled around reaching home late every single day, food, and deciding when should be the last day of work. and that some-of-you-know-who-that-someone-is-and-some-still-wondering-who-that-someone-is (wahahah) drove me + joce out for supper with his he-thinks-no-gel-not-nice-hair-but-i-think-it's-perfectly-okay-hair.i enjoyed the week because for most of the nights you were there. the hearts are in safe hands.
and i shouldnt be sad because closure could be a beginning of its own. plus, i've made great friends (not colleagues).

birthday boy, though you really get on my nerves sometimes, i know it's all unintentional. and because you asked for 'nothing' for your birthday, i gave you what you wished for. =P

yuan will go on hiatus. my flight is on monday night (technically tuesday morning) and i'll return on the 18th with the intention to crash my laptop with even more photos. apologies to friends who i've promised to meet up with (especially fur) or tour with (yuk and jg). i cant celebrate van's and maria's horribly belated birthday. i cant be there for caiwen's birthday or dawn's second art show. i cant go genting with you bunch of friends =(
for these 18 days, i'll be travelling to 北京,上海,苏州,杭州。
the saddest bit of all is time is running out for me to address my issue.
take care of yourselves! especially dawn, thank god it isnt a serious slipdisc. and miss x, be strong. i love you all.
if i ever have to step into a restaurant for westerns this weekend, please just strike pasta mania and swensens off the list. i'm very much sick of pastas and burgers, regardless of the way they're prepared. serving me chinese food is perhaps the easier way out if you could just cancel crystal jade and ding tai fung from the list as well.
"aiya, so ma fan, dont eat la."
someone just help me kick whoever that have had this thought after reading my para.
whirlpool spiralled around reaching home late every single day, food, and deciding when should be the last day of work. and that some-of-you-know-who-that-someone-is-and-some-still-wondering-who-that-someone-is (wahahah) drove me + joce out for supper with his he-thinks-no-gel-not-nice-hair-but-i-think-it's-perfectly-okay-hair.i enjoyed the week because for most of the nights you were there. the hearts are in safe hands.
and i shouldnt be sad because closure could be a beginning of its own. plus, i've made great friends (not colleagues).

birthday boy, though you really get on my nerves sometimes, i know it's all unintentional. and because you asked for 'nothing' for your birthday, i gave you what you wished for. =P

yuan will go on hiatus. my flight is on monday night (technically tuesday morning) and i'll return on the 18th with the intention to crash my laptop with even more photos. apologies to friends who i've promised to meet up with (especially fur) or tour with (yuk and jg). i cant celebrate van's and maria's horribly belated birthday. i cant be there for caiwen's birthday or dawn's second art show. i cant go genting with you bunch of friends =(
for these 18 days, i'll be travelling to 北京,上海,苏州,杭州。
the saddest bit of all is time is running out for me to address my issue.
take care of yourselves! especially dawn, thank god it isnt a serious slipdisc. and miss x, be strong. i love you all.
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