weekend just whizzed past like that. *draws tornado
i worked out too much on my butt and the thighs just now. and the arms and the abs as well. i didnt put on excess weight in 2 months afterall.
i borrowed the corpse's bride back from the dvd library as well. you see, fitnessfirst is such a nice place i'll go there everyday. they serve my favourite hot green tea even!
my DS now has tonnes of games. and brain age says my brain is 28 years of age on my first assessment. *laughs at those with 20 year-old bodies with 40+ year-old brains. ahem.
and my brain weighs 854g at the age academy. the stupid mouthless slug thing says, "wow huge brains. i'm impressed!". now, it's 22 years old and weighs 957g.

oh and so i really drew a dumb looking tornado -.-"
alrights, this is the probably the only part that's going to make senseļ¼
i'm going to volunteer at somewhere near Parkmall to tutor some hearing impaired children. so if you're interested as well, let me know so i can arrange my friend to bring all of us down to take a look at the place.
i worked out too much on my butt and the thighs just now. and the arms and the abs as well. i didnt put on excess weight in 2 months afterall.
i borrowed the corpse's bride back from the dvd library as well. you see, fitnessfirst is such a nice place i'll go there everyday. they serve my favourite hot green tea even!
my DS now has tonnes of games. and brain age says my brain is 28 years of age on my first assessment. *laughs at those with 20 year-old bodies with 40+ year-old brains. ahem.
and my brain weighs 854g at the age academy. the stupid mouthless slug thing says, "wow huge brains. i'm impressed!". now, it's 22 years old and weighs 957g.

oh and so i really drew a dumb looking tornado -.-"
alrights, this is the probably the only part that's going to make senseļ¼
i'm going to volunteer at somewhere near Parkmall to tutor some hearing impaired children. so if you're interested as well, let me know so i can arrange my friend to bring all of us down to take a look at the place.
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