Saturday, April 07, 2007

the halves of me dont coexist, but i want them one piece.

jack aspired to grow the best fruits, but he took no efforts to negotiate with his plants and seeds. at the end of each season, jack was still but one of the better do-ers in his little town. just so because the other poor fellows never did discover the proper art of growing fruit trees. they cheered jack, they wowed jack. but he was never quite happy. jack knew that he could do better. he only had to try a little harder, but nothing was done about that. so things stayed the same season after season, till jack raised a little bit of money and had the chance to take a look at what was outside his little own town.

in Armsterdon, they had angry looking machines, those that jack did dream of owning almost 2 years ago. the fruits were fresh, there were tonnes of variety and they had those delicious tasting things packed. "To Phadisville", read every sticker on the boxes stacked. Jack had what he's looking at conceptualized years ago back in his little town, but he had never taken on the efforts to materialise them.

back in his little town, jack made a pact with himself. in less than half the amount of time the planters Armsterdon took, he was to reach the same scale. jack was a smart man, and he knew that. he told me about the pact and shared with me his great ideas. i was impressed. i havnt seen jack in ages, but i've seen some of his great ideas that he shared with me in the market many years later. was it jack who had made what seemed impossible possible? i hope it's him. he had such great potentials and he could have achieved great things...

snooze is my best friend, and at times my worse enemy.


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