Thursday, October 19, 2006

school, perhaps, isnt meant for visual-spatial learners like me. i know i'm not in this shit alone if that makes me feel any better. we visual learners did not pay that kick-ass tuition fee to travel on an average 3 hours to sleep in lectures. we tried to pay attention listen but we visual creatures exist for some reasons.

we are impaired listeners.

since we take nothing out from classes, whats the point of going? how frustrating it is to waste time sitting in just because there's a need to be physically present. at the end of the day, when we are all already exhausted from travel and brain-sleep, we are still as clueless as before. and having 5 modules and other commitments on hand isnt going to allow us ample time for readings.

if you aint aware, most visual learners do well not because schools (modelled for aural learners) taught them well.

THEY taught themselves ALL.

understanding is tough.


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