i'm fighting these days like a soldier. all burnt and shagged, i just have to say no to going freshmen induction ceremony because i NEED to stay in and sleep my day away tomorrow.
so i thought i was all ready for school, ready to be REALLY passionate about tertiary education and i thought i'm perfectly fine with walking around school with myself and myself,
and then suddenly i see, i'm ready for nothing at all.
many times today, when we were still bumming around at fur's place, one fat happy and appreciative worm tickled the sides of my tummy. around my bunch of folks all, i can let it all go.
it's not about the people really, i MADE myself carry a bag of burden to the school that i'm in right now (though it hasnt really started, but still..). the burden felt as heavy as being told to walk around naked. i fear judgement (even though theres such a high probability that no one has even noticed you). who doesnt. it's all going crazy!
actually my days at the orientation going on pretty fine. i've met great people. i just love my folks more.
ok. greens make people feel happier. so there goes.

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