Friday, March 03, 2006

so did God save me or did i save myself?

seems like i'm having big trouble with punctuations. commas and dots they give people hell sometimes.

anyhows results were already out yesterday technically the day before and it was only after hearing this much that i've sort of came to a conclusion that 20 has done so amazingly well. and me? i was almost bursting in my lungs after staring at the slip of paper for some good 30 seconds, and a few tens of minutes to actually digest and make meaning of the alphabets.
ABB and a B3 may be nothing to those smartypants not our class but to me, it's a commendable triple jump from EOO and an absent from gp. i'm still celebrating it.

work this week's more about me at MYOP, liaising with swiss post, philips and pantrade, and funny guy from Markono group. and more of jerry reading newspaper. bah. life punctuates today. was editing the SMU brochures that the school made a hell load of typos and changes all over. if there's any others, it's probably my own typos while editing/updating and sending theirs for final printing.

so did God save me or did i save myself?


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